
Winter Magic。是一首旋律柔和甜美的英文歌曲,表現聖誕歡樂氣氛,我沒有完全照歌詞解釋意境大約形容:窗戶被霜覆蓋著在黎明中發光,傍晚空氣中帶來一股寒意,閃耀的燭光、聖誕樹的彩燈、亮片、花環、絲帶和包裹,希望聖誕老人看到,掛著長長的聖誕襪,雪花一片片降落《冬天的魔力》假期的奇妙樂趣與歡笑,與您分享回憶。

Forsty windows glow in the twilight,Evening brings a chill to the air,
Winter magic,hoilday wonder joy and laughter memories to share.
Candle-light that shines in the hall-way,colored lights that brighten the tree;
Tinsel, garland, ribbons and packages;stockings hung so that Santa, might see.
Snowflakes falling to the ground;Theres's blowing all a round. There's magic, magic in the air,
And with hearts forever young filled with wonder and good cheer,
Winter magic, holiday wonder,joy and laughter memories to share.


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